Join My Private, Members Only 'Inner Circle' Today And I Will Personally Show You How To Create The Most Profitable & In-Demand Bootcamp That Your Town Has Ever Seen
(Even If You've NEVER Run A Bootcamp Before)
Here's What You'll Get When You Sign Up:
The Bootcamp Trilogy. An ENTIRE, step-by-step, business model (worth nearly £200K per year!) that you can INSTANTLY plug straight into YOUR business. Possibly the most POWERFUL and in-depth training system that I have EVER created. (This ALONE would've cost you £450 last year!)
A twenty page, HARD COPY printed newsletter. Each month a brand new, hard copy newsletter will arrive in your post and contain a powerful, profit exploding blueprint that you can INSTANTLY use to grow your fitness business and make more money.
Exclusive LIVE access to my 'Private Masterminds'. During these live TWICE weekly teleclasses, you'll be able to ask me any questions that you want and get an IMMEDIATE answer. This is the closest thing that you can get to having me as your private coach WITHOUT it costing you thousands of £'s.
Unlimited 24/7 access to the private, members only 'MMIC Online Community'. This is the 'heart' of MMIC and here, you'll have the opportunity to see what nearly TWO HUNDRED ambitious fitness entrepreneurs are doing to grow their businesses on a daily basis, as well as having access to over THREE years of member generated content.
FREE Marketing Critiques. As well as discovering how to attract more clients with your marketing campaigns, you can also ask me to 'critique' your marketing materials if you feel that you need some additional help. MMIC is the only place where I offer this service, and as a member you'll get it - absolutely free of charge.
Exclusive 'early bird' invitations to my EXTREMELY rare live events. When you join MMIC, you'll be one of the first people in the world to find out about my increasingly rare (and incredibly in-demand) LIVE in-person events. And as a member, you'll normally get a BETTER deal than everyone else as well.
If you implement everything that I teach you within your first 90 days of joining MMIC and it somehow DOESN'T work for you?
Just return your newsletters, let me know the situation, and I will refund you every single penny of your money.
This isn't just a 'guarantee', it's my personal PROMISE to you.

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