“Utilising the POWER of “Lumpy Mail” to DOMINATE Your Area and Crush Your Competition (even more)… AND sell more to your current clients”
*4 Simple and effective ways to profit from
your competitors laziness
*Why ‘them’ being cheap and greedy is GOOD news for you
(and how to benefit from itJ
* How WORDS mean EVERYTHING when it comes to
getting people to TAKE ACTION (For example
put bacon in your sammich)
* The “So what?” test and how it effects
your marketing and sales
* How simple LETTERS can generate tons of
cash, very quickly too
* How I turned £100 into AT LEAST £700 quid
from FORMER CLIENTS (and how you can too)
* The “you-wont-have-heard-this-before”
SECRET for landing big-ass corperate clients
(hint: it involves a toy
* How one client of mind got the attention of
a BIG fitness industry name and a possible
MASSIVE contract – by sending him a SHOE
bag yourself a bunch of high ticket clients
* EXATLY how to structure your ‘letter’ to
get it READ
* How to TRIPLE your sales by selling NOTHING
different but just changing HOW you sell it.
* My PERSONAL (and profitable as fuck) plan
for achieving more in the next 90 days than
you did in the previous 9 months (BONUS CD)
*Why “dreaming big” is causing you to get
NOWHERE in business (and what to do instead
for success)
* The difference between success and failure
and why its NOTHING TO DO with “what you
know” or “who you know”